Sunday, September 28, 2008

london baby

i took maybe 7 pictures in London, i like these three (especially together). i'm not telling what they are.


Unknown said...

the third is OBVIOUSLY a Chihuly chandelier. Is there and exhibit of his work? How's Becky?

Unknown said...

are the other 2 from the British Museum? Those pillars look familiar. That place is pretty crazy. Centuries of the empires booty. Did you make it to the Natural History Museum? There is a crazy ass escalator there

feral boy, ethpana said...

yep sure is...just one piece in Victoria & Albert. I had seen some of his flowers in Vegas and thought it was cool but not special (maybe it was the vegas setting?)....but this chadelier floored me. All the pics are from that museum, which is really eclectic. I forgot the name of the pillars they are casts of some grand roman thingy. Turns out a victorian passion was creating paster casts of monuments. The pillar room is a room of magnificent fakes under one roof.yeah I went up the escalator in the Nat History museum, it was cool. I didn't have a lot of time in there so I went to the dinosaurs. I thought the animatronic bloody velociraptors might be kind of frightening for kids...but a little girl was looking at one and said "he's talking to me!"