Wednesday, September 24, 2008

big bang, lavapies style

Is it just me or does an underground facility to replicate the big bang seem like a bad idea?

I'm just writing to say I'm still alive, just busy and without internet at home. After my vacation I had a trip to London for a nerd conference, and I did a talk about nerd stuff to some nerds. I stayed on with the kids from the lab for the weekend and drank proper british pints, spoke proper English, and I saw THE proper Rosetta stone among many other cool objects. I saw like half of Egypt, Greece and Rome in the British museum, but for some reason I was really impressed that I saw the authentic rosetta stone among all this stuff that the English plundered.

I'm stealing internet from a neighbor now (actually he's probably stolen all the info off my computer by now, so good deal for him). My landlord has asked the internet company to begin our service, a month ago. Classic Spanish style, that's just normal to wait a month for installation apparently.

So since the quick London trip, I have moved into Madrid, at the north end of the Lavapies neighborhood, the former Jewish district centuries ago. Now it's sort of "ethnic town" with immigrants from Africa, India, and several other parts of Asia. The bad news is now I'm a subway commuter, but the city is so much cooler than Mostoles. Plus I can get a little work done on the subway so its not totally lost time. I can find food I like! And cheap! I can buy a half pound of cumin for a freaking euro. Five minutes away is an Indian buffet, 8 euros (this is pricy compared to the states but it's practically giving shit away in Europe). I went jogging the other day to the palace, the cathedral and the Egyptian temple. And everyday I walk somewhere new and interesting. I've never had such an interesting jogging route before, or so many "old world monuments" five minutes outside my door (In fact none...ever). I live on the top floor, so theres a big terrace where I enjoy my morning & weekend "chill with coffee" time. Downstairs, so close I could spit on it, is my favorite bar in the neighborhood. It has a logo with a Tom Waits-like demon face. Actually I think its a Satyr not a demon, but its a dope bar. The tapas are a crap shoot though. I can never recognize anything they bring me, and its different every round. Once they brought me baba ganoush which I was psyched about, then they brought some mayonnaise slop with stinky fish in it. I tried a little city cycling the other day, and its really pretty chill even on the larger streets. The truth is traffic does not move very quickly so its easy to keep pace with automobiles most of the time. This despite the warnings of how dangerous it is, from all the people (like my new roomate) who have never once ridden a bike in the city. But, so far, for anything in the city it's quick enough just to walk and that way I don't have to worry about bike theft. The weather is super nice again and I've been back on the bike a little, discovering new cycling paths which take me south to the river valleys instead of north to the mountains (just for something different). One of these days I need to make a map of all the places I've ridden, with notes. I would have liked to encounter this very thing on someone's website before arriving.

Soon some pics of the new house & hood...

Becky arrives in only 7 days. I can' t believe it's been 6 months.

Heres a fun one....I live on Jesus & Mary street (Calle Jesus y Maria) and my landlord's name is Christ (Cristo). If he can heal lepers you'd think he could get the internet to work. Fraud! Charlatan!

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