Saturday, November 1, 2008

I´m totally not dead!

no posts because no internet. no tengo internet.

!que mierda¡ ¡hijo de puta! ¡Joder!

i am living well enough however. my girlfriend has moved in, we comiserate about how rude madrileños are on the metro, we went to the medieval city of Toledo (really neato), and we went on vacation to germany and the czech republic. I think if I hadn´t already payed the extortion, i mean rent, I would have actually saved money compared to Madrid. I´m a little down on Madrid right now after seeing how civil Germans are (they wait for you to leave the train before barging in like the running of the bulls), how efficient things are (i really doubt it takes 2 months to get your internet installed in Germany) and how comparatively cheap life is (we stayed in what seemed like a swank luxury spacious apartment for rich yuppies, and found out the whole place cost only 40% more than what we pay for a room in an apartment with no living or dining room....and we routinely and easily found decent vegetarian meals for around 3 euro) . Maybe I should have gone to Germany? It was getting cold but the fall colors were amazing. Also my daily commute is making me exhausted all the time, it seems like all I do is work or travel to work. I underestimated this.....but the alternative was to stay in Mostoles which is plenty boring after 2 weeks or so. Can´t win. Becky is still on vacation in Budapest. I´ve got pics, keep checking in they´ll show up one of thes days. I´m coming to the states this winter, just bought the ticket. I fly on Xmas day to detroit with Becky, then at some undisclosed point I will come out west.

Oh yeah, i think prague might be the most beautiful city I´ve been to, you should go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we should talk we'll be just down the road in columbus at christmas.