Saturday, June 27, 2009

My new roomate jumped out of the 7th floor window

Oh hi, how was your Saturday morning...well let me tell you about ours. Wednesday, after months we finally got a new guy moved in here. He seemed like a nice enough guy, but we were a little annoyed that our roommate hadn't really spoken to us about him before telling him he could move in. She left us a note Teusday night, saying she found someone and he was coming the next morning. Sure enough he was already moving in the next morning. He brought a new TV and parked in front of it most of the day. He chatted with us while we ate dinner and he was watching soccer. The usual stuff...why are you eating so early (8:00pm), do you like futbol? I didn't see him at all thursday, and fugured he went on a trip or was hanging out with his family who live pretty close. Thursday night i got up to piss in the middle of the night, and i thought i saw him sitting in the dark in the living room. But i didn't have on my glasses, it was dark, i was half asleep, and if a person is really sitting in the dark alone they want to be left alone probably. Again friday I didn't see him despite that I worked at home all day. This morning, saturday i got up and made coffee, and Becky slept a little more. We heard him get up and leave and return from the grocery store while i was drinking the coffee. A little later Becky got up to pee, and then told me she saw him standing in his underwear in his room, apparently changing, but didn't say anything because she didn't want to embarrass him. We were feeling lazy so we started watching "Lost" on my computer. Then the doorbell and the buzzer rang a million times so we went out to the door. There was 2 cops asking if there was an older person who lived with us. They were asking the next door neighbors too, so it seemed like they were unclear about where they were looking for this person. Cops just kept coming very 5 minutes, and wanting to come in our house look at the layout, were asking about window orientation and stuff like that. Since they were asking about an old person, and becky thought she heard something about a cardiac arrest...I thought perhaps there was a person who had a heart attack in an apartment. Maybe they managed to call for help, but were locked inside, and the cops were looking for a way to get in. But it appeared that the victim was down in the parking lot from our balcony. We even joked with our next door neighboors about how confused the cops seemed to be. Finally the cops came back and they wanted to go in the new roomates bedroom. We knocked to no answer, and it was locked. The cops broke in and nobody was inside and the window was open. At this moment, I asked the cop: Is the person down there young or old? -he was young. So I asked if he had dark hair-he did. i asked if he was taller than me-he was. At almost this exact moment, our old roomate Raul called on the phone. He told becky that our roomate had jumped from the window. The cops had gotten Raul's number because his girlfriend's folks live in our building. So Raul across town knew what happened before we did. So long story not so short- or new roomate of 3 days killed himself this morning after going to the store for orange juice. He is essentially a complete stranger, but this happened while we were in the next room watching TV and just waking up. Ana, our other current roomate called on the phone from work. She said he had been acting wierd and he had told her he hadn't been around because he had to go to the hospital. But I guess he said nothing else about that. Very 10 minutes there was a new group of inbestigators going to do whatever in the room. We basically begged the cops to let us leave after a few hours so we could think of something else. I'm realy glad the door was locked, otherwise we could have been murder suspects. The cops were pretty civil though, although quite confused and confusing. We ended up going to a bar. We left a key for the family. They have already picked up most of his things. I can't believe this day.


Unknown said...

Matt, this is a totally crazy story! I'm sorry that the two of you have to deal with this type of situation. It really sucks. Sounds like the bar is probably a good place to hang out for a little while. Take care of yourselves.


planteo said...

I'm really sorry that happened Matt.