Sunday, January 4, 2009

Noche viejo

So, I'm in the states. If you are trying to track me down, send me an email.

Heres how New Years Eve went down. We were in the burbs by Detroit, going to a party of some home town friends of Becky. Her good friend gave her directions to the house of another friend. We went out there and she couldn't recognize the house for sure, there was a party going on in a white house with a blue star in lights, dangly icicle lights, and somebody's grandma in the bay window. It looked like the only party on the street so we figured we were golden. Before we went in we called to make sure it was the right house: It's white or tan, right? It's got a blue star and icicles right? Is there an old person in the front room? Yeah, Yeah, and Yeah. So we followed some other people into the party into the kitchen. Becky didn't know the people in there, seemed like a bunch of family and a bunch of people in their 20s-30s. We figured it was the girl's friends and extended family, fixed up a drink and chatted a little bit with them. We were previously told that the party was in the basement so we started to walk down when i heard a scream and several thuds. This was the sound of Becky falling down the wet basement stairs (luckily wood, not cement), clutching her drink in a death grip claw. That got everyone's attention, ....and as I helped her get up and made sure her back wasn't broken, we were offered ibuprofen by a stoner that apparently lived there. So Becky's in pain, but not really injured, and we still can't find the girls we are looking for. So we went back up the stairs to ask where Clair is. Who's Clair? We'll always remember this as the New Years where we crashed the wrong party and Becky fell down the stairs. My feeble explanation to the people, still in shock from the basement acrobatics, was "sorry we crashed your party". They tried to give us jello shots as a consolation prize.

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