Mostoles, Communidad de Madrid.....(formerly Flagstaff AZ, Moab UT, Vega$ baby!!!), Spain
sex: eewww, gross!,
age: infinity plus one,
occupation: your mom,futuristic feral mute kid (tie),
topics: foreigner in blog...travelling by bike blog....random other crap
This is my Surly Long Haul Trucker with a viking. It makes me feel powerful. It has also tackled several mountain passes, carried me for several thousands of miles and had run-ins with dinosaurs, bigfoot, a pirate, Paul Bunyan and Babe's balls. And yet here it is still kickin it live. Previously I had a poll and I got like 5 votes to name my bike, all different. My bike is....the riddle of steel.
For real this time:
Knuckles! (st00pid blogger won't let me post image code)
Cuz you love football.
Better stay up late and watch the cards whip some steeler ass.
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