Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Prague: do I ever work?

the cosmographical clock, old town square
inside the ossuary at Kutna Hora, near Prague. creepy.

the view from the national museum toward old town.

Ted wants to know if I ever work. Yeah, when I feel like it. Nobody wants to read a blog about work do they?? ...."Today i revised the first half of the manuscript and developed the design for my experiment in december. I scanned the excel files for missing cells and converted the format for analysis"....LAME. I only write about fun stuff. So here is some pics from Prague and vicinity. Prague is the premier gothic city. I'll spare you the tiresome descriptions, theres a million cool things to see: the obligatory cathedral, numerous Dracula churches, random castle like towers at the end of every major street, the Charles bridge, the cosmographical clock, and on top of all that it is the city of Mucha and Kafka. Nearby is the somewhat dismal town of Kutna Hora which has an ossuary, where for centuries the remains of thousands of dead people have been arranged in a church interior: in four large pyramids, for example. There are skulls strung along the ceiling, like popcorn on a christmas tree. Theres even a crest of the family which owns the property that contains at least one of each bone in the human body. The place was a treasure chest of photo ops but i had a hard time getting pictures without flash-and flash is only good for ruining photos in my opinion. Alright, thats it for my vacation last month.

the grotto, a fake cave in a castle garden

random church facade, can't remember the name
The ossuary again, the cherub appears to have skulls radiating form his head

do what you gotta do

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