Wednesday, January 6, 2010

One way ticket to fuckville! Vacation in France

We rendezvoued (spelling??? what is wrong with french people and their vowel assault!?) up with chris & bre, and their friend T, and Miles Quadshanks on x-mas day in Barcelona. We saw the living shit out of France, but first I gotta tell you how ridiculous and insulting Delta-Air France is. T got bumped form her flight by Delta because the plane needed a tire change. No joke. First they told her she couldn't resume her trip until like the 28th or so. But Chris, using something called the "internet", managed to find a flight via London, that the Delta douchebags could not find unassisted. Thus T was only a few hours late, but the big worry was we figgered her bags could be on another flight. Sure enough she arrived without bags, and the airline offered her nothing, not even a stubby toothbrush. They said it would be in the following afternoon, which messed with our plans, b/c Barcelona was just the cheap flight meeting point, and we were booked to stay some 8 hours drive away in the Loire Valley of France. We did not want to hang around Barcelona waiting for a bag. So Chris called at 7:oo am the next day to tell the people that it would be best if the bag were redirected to Bordeaux, or maybe Nantes, instead of Barcelona and we could grab it on the way to or while in the Loire valley. So we trusted them. Turns out the bag arrived in Barcelona anyway, even though they had 9 hours to make the calls to redirect it. Further, it turns out that the bag came to Barcelona via Paris, which would have been the idela place to reroute it to another French city....if only the Barcelona people had done anyhting at all. So Chris made sure that they intended to send the bag to France, only to find that the next day the bag was STILL in Barcelona. So the tactic was shifted, and we stopped calling Spanish employees of Air France, and started calling the French who were at least nicer but only a little more competent. Later that day a French guy told Chris the bag was landed on a plane at Bordeaux, and was suppossedly en route to Nantes from where it would be delivered by car the following day. We went about the following day checking out Chateaus in the valley, then found that the bag never got to Nantes, and was nto delivered. At about 6:00 pm we were informed that the bag had just been checked in in Bordeaux, which is where we were told it was about 24 hours earlier. At this point Chris demanded that they drive it to us that night. They wouldn't do it, claiming they had no driver. So Chris and T had to get up at 4:00, and drive to Bordeaux, wehre the baggage office opened at 7:00. Naturally the office actually opened at 7:30, just for a final insulting flourish, but due to luck lone they caught someone's attention who let them in to take the bag. Isn't that enough to make you punch a nun? Ok, enough complaining check out my pictures.


planteo said...

Am I supposed to feel sorry for you? You're still on vacation in France A-hole!'re moving back to pitty!

Rex Bush said...

I like the picture of the Normandy coast.