Saturday, August 1, 2009

random darts

1. Next teusday, we are off to galicia/asturias for 2 weeks of cycling. I will be really happy to be somewhat cool again and see some green somewhere in my field of vision. I love deserts, but when the summer rolls around I am really craving wet greenness.

In Spain EVERYBODY is on vacation for the month of August. You can't count on anything getting done, be it burrocrat papers, or simply keeping a shop open. Its a ghost town at our work. It the only time of the year in Madrid that it doesn't feel like someone is following you around all day pushing you because you are not moving fast enough. So, the city heat blows but you might think that some people would be stoked to hang around and enjoy a more relaxed madrid.

But heres the curious antropological fact: Instead of taking the opportunity to be rid of their fellow humanity, everybody does the same thing. They go to the beach all at the same time. I've seen it on the news, it looks like every beach on the meditteranean is hosting Woodstock. Except theres no concert to watch, its just the beach. That is a strange contrast, Americans tend to want their space but Spanish people love to be surrounded by hoardes. You couldn't pay me to go to one of those beaches right now. I like going to the beach, having a swim, reading a book in the sand, throwing sticks to dogs, whatever....but what do you do for a month at the beach. I don't understand, at all. Isn't that exceptionally boring?

2. I was thinking of Roll this morning. Haven't seen the guy in over 10 years. I think he's a hot shit tattoo artist in portland now.
"You dont learn from books, college boy, you learn with your fists!"

3. When I was a kid we went to church every sunday at the church that was associated with my catholic school. It was boring. So boring that I read the bible to pass the time. Granted it was an illustrated bible for kids, but it was big and I read the damned thing front to back. I tended to like the monsignor (this is above a normal priest, below a bishop), I don't know why, I barely ever listened to what he said because I was so enthralled by Leviticus. I puzzled quite a bit over the organ. There was a person near the alter on the ground floor, sitting at and playing the organ. The wierd thing is there was a large almost bedroom sized wooden box with pipes coming out at the ceiling. I was told these were the organ pipes. I couldn't get my head around how pushing the keys on the organ caused air to come out of the pipes, thus making the sound. The best I could come up with is that there was a team of people inside the wooden box at the ceiling. They would have to be kneeling because the ceiling would be low in there. Clearly, when one pressed the keys on an organ it would send a signal to the person manning the corresponding pipe, and they would give it a lungful. I figured the signal would be something like a stoplight.

Later my fascination with the box of pipes morphed a bit. I would fantasize about how I could get into it, or at least up there. I could swing on a rope form the giant crucified jesus, to the angel sculpture midway up. Then with a few deft moves i could just grab a curve of one of those pipes which might allow me enough leverage to get up there.

One day, I started to visualize something that the monsignor said. He said the church was God's house and Jesus's house. I'm sure I understood this figuratively, but I had a daydreaming problem. Sometimes still to this day, what is in my head is just more intriguing than the actual world and i get lost for a little while. So I thought about where in the church Jesus lived. The priests always emerged from behind the alter, and I always wanted to go back there and see what was there. I think this is part of their theatre that grabs you imagination when you're a kid, and perhaps keeps you somewhat in their thrall in adulthood. I figured they lived back there, but i guess people probably don't live in the back of churches. Anyway, it didn't seem like Jesus just lived with the priests, what would he be doing back there when they came out for mass? Just having a cup of joe and reading the newspaper? It had to be somewhere else, and the only possible explanantion was that the organ pipe box, was Jesus's bungalow apartment in the church. Another thing the monsignor said was that the church was a house of love. This of course, would influence the decor of the Jesus apartment. I imagined all white walls, except for a big red valentine-esque heart shape painted on one wall.


globalgal said...

Hi, I just started reading your blog, among other Spain expat blogs, because I'm interested in expat life there. (I used to live in Asturias and am married to a Spanish guy.)

Have fun on your cycling trip! I am going to be in Asturias next week and I am so excited. In my opinion it is the best place to be in Spain in August!

nursejenni said...

Dear Matt,

So I had this random turtle question, and Collin says to me this morning "why don't you just ask Matt Mom?" Fucking smart kid!! Anyway, can red ear sliders live outside in a pool in the winter time? I can't remember if yours lived outside in the pool in the winter. So besides that I wanted to let you know that we moved right down the street from our other house and I didn't want to miss you when you made one of your random visits to town. We still have the same phone numbers 702-545-0795, 702-610-3695. School has been great, I brought some old man back to life last semester, and it is exactly like they show you on TV! I will be assisting in delivering babies next semester, which should be cool yet I am dreading the workload after a long summer. I think I forgot everything, my brain is on perma vacation now, but we will see. I hope this message gets to you and that you and Becky are doing well. I fucking love you and miss you!! Love Jennifer

feral boy, ethpana said...

hey jen, about time you left a comment on here. glad to hear youre saving old men and preping to crank out the babies. sounds like youre doing great.

yes colin is a fucking smart kid. i suggest you do some web searching for more detailed info, but the answer to your question is yes, in vegas a turtle can be hibernated in an outdoor pond. it will not be active, it will settle to the bottom, dig into something, and actually respire through its skin instead of using its lungs.

there are risks though, so the safest thing to do, if its small enouhg, is to bring it indoors for the winter. i remember it has already outgrown its aquarium though.

i hibernated an adult red eared slider and a painted turtle outdoors with no problems. but on the other hand, i had a different species die.

the trick to safely doing this is making sure its not too cold, and keeping water oxygenated.

1) temperature: you might want a thermostat controlled water heater that does not allow the water to drop below 45 degrees, but you dont want to heat higher than 50. the turtle will hibernate at 50 or so. you might want to pick up a floating thermometer so you can keep tabs on this once in a while.

2) oxygenation: you could use an aquarium bubbler, and at some point you should try to freshen up the water. since emptying the pool will disturb the turtle you could clean the water by dropping the hose in nd running it gently, allowing the top to overflow for a little while. doing thi once in a while (2-3 time over the winter) will keep the water from getting too nasty.

3) give the turtle something to burrow into. a bag of leaves for example. or, more cleanly, you could add some kind of submerged sand or gravel box for a cleaner solution. In fact, a gravel or sand box would be the perfect place to anchor an air bubbler

4) water will evaporate. keep the pool full, the larger volume of watre will prevent wide temperature fluctuations.

but do search the web for more info. theres alot more resources than when i had turtles and just had to ask peoples opinions about what to do.

good luck. ill be in vegas in october and see you then...