Wednesday, December 3, 2008

train pass update

The train pass that I bought on the 8th of November, became invalid December 1. So after all the bullshit, i didn't even get a whole month of use and probably did not save a dime. Apparently you have to get the pass on the first of the month to get a month's worth of use, and you do not pay less if the month is 28 days. So yesterday I had to buy a train ticket at the station. So as I was leaving the station the turnstile did not accept my perfectly valid ticket purchased that morning meaning I can't leave! So I tried every machine, and looked incredulously at the ticket 10 times, saying things like "son of a bitch!" and "motherfucker!" and "unbelievable". Then I got full of righteous indignation- very much like when you come to a traffic light on your bike and the light won't change even thought there hasn't been cross traffic for 10 minutes because the whole system is made to be triggered by cars, as if thats just ok (imagine if cars had to wait for a bike to show up before the light switched, doesn't sound very fair does it) so you flagrantly run the light hoping that a cop will pull you over so you can yell in his face just how fucked up this is and shame him (as if you could really shame a cop)- blah, blah, righteous i decided it was my duty to climb over the turnstile, and hopefully a security guard would run up and I would throw the ticket in his face and say "Joder! Hijo de puta!". Then the turnstile shocked me! They are an unjumpable electric fence. It turns out there is a pager thing to call someone to let you out if this happens. I saw it but thought it was for people in wheelchairs or something other than my particular problem so it never occurred to me to use it.
Now I have found that once you have the card from the tobacco shop, you can insert in into a machine at the station and purchase tickets for the month. Only problem is that i need to change the zone of my pass, therefore I have to start the whole process over and get a new card. One day this all might become easy, once I have found every way to do it wrong.

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