Tommorrow I take my placement exam in a language school. The class will cost a couple hundred bucks but is really fairly cheap as far as these things go.
So, I'm here to help you out with some highly useful information, I'll save the best for last.
Useful Spanish words and phrases, we'll start with "T" for no good reason. Forget your mexican slang, "chinga tu madre" and "pinche gringo" won't get you far in Spain. People will only laugh like we laugh when British people ask us if we are being "cheeky", or "are you taking the piss?", or "bollocks!". So heres some good ole Spanish Spanish for you:
trabuco: literally musket, but pretty much means penis
titiritero: puppeteer
tranquilo: calm, tranquil. You can use it to tell someone to chill.
tendedero: a rack thing with clotheslines for drying your clothes indoors when its raining
tio: everybody is your uncle in Spain. its the equivalent of dude, man, or dude man. If its a woman, yep its tia. Another equivalent word is chico/chica, e.g. boy or girl.
and by the way: space is espacio not espacia, and i said in an earlier post (I am an excellent source of bad info)
and heres a "P" thrown in for fun
putamadre: i'm unsure on the spelling but this is what I think I'm hearing. It means "motherfucker". You can shout it when some jackass cuts you off, or you can say it to express how good your food is. putamadre is damn good.

People have been telling me for years to write to Huy Fong and see if I can get any free stuff for being their walking billboard for over a decade. Maybe I'll do it soon and let you in on the experiment.
Ok long setup for this: I made my own Sriracha tonight. I have no idea if its good yet, it's maturing in the fridge. But I did it in the style of Huy Fong with ripe red jalapenos. I found someone's recipe on line. I should have added garlic, but if this easy recipe makes anything remotely similar to the hot cock sauce, I'll be pretty happy.
1 pound ripe RED jalapenos, so fully vine ripened
2.5 cups of rice or white wine vinegar
0.25 cups of sugar
1 tablespoon salt
put the chilis in the vinagre, bring to boil, dissolve sugar and salt, purree the mixture, let the ingredients get friendly in the fridge overnight.
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